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    Medicare Supplement Plan Info

    Who Qualifies for Medicare Supplement Insurance?

    In order to qualify for a Medicare Supplement insurance plan, you must be age 65 and both eligible and enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. This is known as Original Medicare. If you participate in Medicare Part C, or Medicare Advantage, you do not need a Medicare Supplement insurance policy. In certain instances, those who are under age 65 and have Original Medicare because of a qualifying disability or health condition may also be eligible for Medicare Supplement Plans.

    When Can You Apply for Medicare Supplement Insurance?

    The best time to apply for a Medicare Supplement insurance policy is during your six-month “open enrollment” period. This period begins on the month that you turn age 65 and are also enrolled in Medicare Part B.

    It is important to apply for supplemental insurance during your open enrollment time period, because once this period is over, you will not be given another. Should you wait to apply for supplemental insurance after your open enrollment period has expired, there is no guarantee that an insurer will sell you a policy. This is especially the case if you have certain adverse health conditions.

    If you do qualify for coverage that is applied for after your open enrollment period, it is also possible that you may pay a higher amount of premium than you would if you had applied during open enrollment.